First Look at Edisto

As you will read on this site and hear from anyone who lives here or visits, Edisto Beach is one of the few uncommercialized, family-oriented beaches left. First-time visitors and locals alike automatically recognize the spanish moss draped live oaks leading into Edisto as the entrance to something even more intriguing.

Edisto Beach Vacation Homes

As you will read on this site and hear from anyone who lives here or visits, Edisto Beach is one of the few uncommercialized, family-oriented beaches left. First-time visitors and locals alike automatically recognize the spanish moss draped live oaks leading into Edisto as the entrance to something even more intriguing.

So what makes Edisto Beach so great? Is it the beautiful beaches,  picturesque sunsets, historic sites, fresh seafood served in the taste of the town, or maybe its the unique beach homes that line the coast? Perhaps its the lack of hotels, red lights and chain restaurants. It could be any one or combination of these things, or maybe something comes to mind that we left out completely.

From speaking to or emailing back and forth with some of you, it is clear there are many different ways people have had their first look at Edisto Beach. Some grew up here, others have been vacationing since they were kids. Maybe Edisto was discovered further down life’s road in retirement, or on a day trip from nearby Charleston.

Your experience is surely unique and we would love to hear about that. Blog with us now and share your Edisto Beach memories.

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Vacations at Edisto Beach

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Labor Day Weekend on Edisto

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