5 Reasons Why we Are Addicted to Edisto Beach

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Edisto Beach Vacation Homes

There’s a time in every Edisto-lover’s life when you’re hit with the realization that you don’t just love Edisto, you’re full on obsessed with Edisto.

If you ever find yourself out and about thinking or doing one of the following things, then you may have to admit to yourself that you are fully addicted to this glorious piece of paradise.

You Think About Edisto Constantly

Have you ever sat at your desk at work and realized that you may have been working, but your mind was 100% focused on something pertaining to the best beach on the planet? You might even have conversations and smile inwardly knowing that your colleague has no idea that you’re sitting in the sand listening to the surf in your mind. It doesn’t even matter how much you like your job; you’ll never like it as much as you love Edisto.

All Peanuts Are Boiled

There are two camps in the boiled peanut battle. One camp thinks they are disgusting, the other camp thinks they are delicious. Clearly the second camp is correct. But the second camp also realizes that unless you’re on the island or in the south, boiled peanuts just don’t exist. Sure, you might try to make your own (which always results in a weird peanut waft in the house and a pot of over-salted bastardized versions of the heaven you’re used to), but it’s never the same as a true boiled peanut from Edisto.

There Is Just One Beach

Have you ever heard someone refer to “The Beach” and immediately assumed they meant Edisto? Then when you realized they meant some other beach felt this swell of superiority knowing that they have no clue that you go to the best beach on the planet? That’s what it means to be beyond obsessed with this place.

Along the same lines, have you ever gone to another beach and felt the dirty shame of knowing that you’re cheating on Edisto? It’s alright if you have, just know you get to live with that guilt the rest of your life.

You Plan Your Next Vacation While On Vacation

The worst thing about vacationing on Edisto is that it ends. But what’s great is that you can plan your next visit every second of the day until it is time to come again. Imagining the fun of renting a different house or the same house you’ve had year after year helps fill the void that we all experience when having to go back to our so-called real lives.

Even Your Dog Loves Edisto

Does your dog get excited when you drive onto the island and start whimpering because he or she knows that the beach is near? Surely any dog that has been to, Edisto understands the bliss that is the beach. especially that magical time of year when the leashes can come off and they can run like Forrest Gump across the sand and into the water.

This just goes to show that man and beast alike know that Edisto is perfection.

If any of these statements rang true to you or you didn’t even finish reading this blog because you had to leave your house immediately and come to Edisto, then chances are you are obsessed with Edisto Beach. And that’s perfectly okay, because we are, too.

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